Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Interview Questions

My favorite food is both Mexican and American food. For instance my favorite American food is the lasagna, and my favorite Mexican food are the chilaquiles.I LOVE CHOCOLATE.My favorite show is Spongebob Squarepants. My favorite subject in school is math and soccer, because i understand math and soccer because I forget about my problems and just concentrate on getting the ball. In math I'm really good, but in soccer well let's say I need to practice more. My strenght is that I like to try new things, and that if I don't get it the first time I keep trying harder and never give up. My weaknesses are that I day dream too much and some times I'm too shy. I sometimes study for a test by reading notes and remembering them, and also by paying attention to my teacher.What i like to learn in this class is how to type more faster without looking at the keyboard and how to fully use the Microsoft. I think we should divide our work into equal amount of work. I will make a great team member because I'm a helpful person and a hardwoker.